
Bonaly phase 2 / Threipmuir car parks closures

Bonaly and Threipmuir car parks closed

We have been concerned about the time taken to progress some of our car park works, so are moving onto phase 2 of the Bonaly car park works whilst works continue at Threipmuir.

Bonaly car park will therefore be closed from Wednesday 8th November until around 5th December 2023. Pedestrian access will be maintained, although we recommend entering the Country Park via Torduff Rd and Torduff Dam.

Read more about the Visit Scotland-funded improvements to our hotspot car parks. We thank you for your understanding during this period, and ask that you use one of our many other car parks to access the hills during this time. Or better still, utilise alternative forms of transport. We look forward to sharing our improved car parks with you.


Published: 3rd November 2023