
Car park update June 2024

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We are continuing work at our four main car parks. Note that any of the car parks below may be closed at short notice to complete works.

Flotterstone car park is partially open with a similar number of spaces as it had before. Please take care around the site and keep all dogs on leads whilst works are ongoing.

Threipmuir car park is open on the original footprint only; the tarring of the new extension has been delayed due to high water levels. The toilet has been subject to vandalism and will not be constructed until insurance claims have been processed and certification received.

Bonaly car park is fully open, including the new extension. There is still some work to be done but we anticipate minimal disruption. We require certification before the toilet construction is complete.

Harlaw car park is mostly open, including the new extension. There is still some work to be done but we anticipate minimal disruption. We are holding back construction of toilets until we have clarity regarding design and certification. Note the privately-owned access track to Harlaw car park requires extensive work: we do not have dates for this work at this time. Discussions are ongoing.


Published: 7th June 2024