Car park closures
***Why we have closed the car parks in the Pentland Hills Regional Park***
Following the government announcement on 23rd March 2020, the decision was taken to close car parks in the Pentland Hills Regional Park (PHRP).
The weekend of 21-22 March saw unprecedented numbers of visitors to the Pentland Hills: this caused road traffic safety issues, as well as a hugely increased risk of the Covid-19 virus being transmitted.
The key reason for closing all our car parks is to restrict unnecessary travel.
This measure accords with Scottish and UK government guidance to help stop the spread of Covid-19 and keep our communities safe.
In addition, restricting vehicular journeys to the PHRP will help to:
- Prevent further gatherings of people in the hills, and the increased risk of Covid-19 virus transmission.
- Reduce pressure on the Emergency Services if a road accident were to occur.
- Reduce pressure on Mountain Rescue and other emergency services if you fall ill or get injured in a remote location. Mountain Rescue Services are run by volunteers and they may not be able to attend remote rescues if their volunteer base becomes depleted.
- Prevent the spread of Covid-19 virus in our farm communities – the PHRP is mainly a farming landscape. Reducing visitor numbers will help farm operations run with less worry over people management and the consequent increased risk of Covid 19 transmission.
We know it is inconvenient, and we know many of you still want to visit the Pentland Hills for your daily exercise. Under the government guidelines this is still acceptable, but you must not travel there by motorised vehicle. All Regional Park car parks are closed. This closure will be kept under review and accord with Scottish Government guidance.
Please follow this guidance: hopefully we can all get back out to enjoy the Pentlands soon.
Thank you